Philadelphia Museum of Art Union
We are the art museum
The PMA Union represents workers at the Philadelphia Museum of Art. We won our union in August 2020. After 19 days on strike in the fall of 2022, we ratified a historic first contract in a 99% vote.
For PMA staff:
Learn about what it means to be a member and how to sign your membership card.
Get the basics on how a union works, your rights, and why we unionized at the PMA.
We’re part of an organizing wave at museums and other cultural institutions.
We’re the founding chapter of AFSCME Local 397, and two more museum unions have joined us since our local was established. More about Local 397.
Over 35,000 cultural workers at museums, zoos, and libraries are members of AFSCME, including the PMA Union. Learn more about the importance of unions for cultural workers (and how you can get support organizing your own workplace) at AFSCME Cultural Workers United. You can also follow cwuafscme on Instagram for updates on the amazing campaigns happening across the United States.
New staff member curious to learn more? Press with an inquiry? Cultural worker looking for advice on organizing your workplace? Get in touch and we’ll get back to you!
For workplace safety, transparency & a voice in decision-making